Huntsville Hospital Services

Transfer Center

Huntsville Hospital’s Transfer Center offers a simple way to coordinate transfers from your community hospital to Huntsville Hospital. With one phone call we can arrange for the acceptance and admission of your patient, as well as coordinate transportation to our hospital, if necessary.

How the transfer process works

  1. A physician or clinical designee contacts Huntsville Hospital Transfer Center by calling
    (256) 265-3344 or (877) 265-3344.
  2. The Transfer Center nurse obtains initial information including: demographic information, weight, diagnosis, clinical reason for transfer, priority of the transfer, vital signs and mechanism of injury (trauma).
  3. The Transfer Center connects the referring physician with the appropriate on-call physician via phone. The Transfer Center nurse remains on the phone line to facilitate plans and document next steps. This line is recorded for quality purposes.
  4. After mutual agreement for the patient disposition has been reached, the Transfer Center nurse completes the transfer process and facilitates transportation, if necessary.
  5. The transferring hospital is asked to fax the patient demographic sheet to the appropriate unit.
  6. A copy of the patient’s chart, all pertinent diagnostic studies including lab work, EKGs and radiographic studies should be transported with the patient.

The Single Patient Transfer Agreement is an abbreviated version of a standing Transfer Agreement between two facilities. Its use is strictly limited to non-emergency situations and it requires, as a prerequisite of the proposed transfer, that the transferring facility agree to accept the patient back once the specialty services of our facility have been provided and completed. This allows us to continue to provide beds for acutely ill patients.