HDR Surgery

Day of Joint Replacement Surgery

What to bring to the hospital

If you are admitted for an overnight stay, you will be able to wear your own clothing on the first day after surgery because you will be exercising and walking in the halls. You should bring clean, loose-fitting clothing such as shorts or sweat pants. Bedroom slippers should have a non-skid sole with an enclosed toe and heel. If you already have a walker, you should bring it to the hospital. Please remember to put your name on any items you bring to the hospital. Of course, you will want to bring a robe, socks and sweater or sweatshirt due to room temperature changes.

Hospital Checklist

  1. Bring your personal walker with you (clean/sanitize prior to arrival). Do not bring a cardiac walker. Walker must have two wheels. If you do not have a walker on the first day, please let your nurse or social worker know so that one may be ordered for you to use in the hospital.
  2. Bring a list of your medications. Remember to take note of the dosage amount and when you take it.
  3. Bring your advance directive.
  4. Bring clean, loose-fitting clothing that allows plenty of room for the dressings, such as loose-fitting shorts (knee patients) and one size larger shorts/pants than you normally wear (hip patients).
  5. Nightgowns or pajamas for ladies and pajamas for men are appropriate.
  6. Bring non-skid socks (one pair will be provided).
  7. Bring your glasses, contact lenses and hearing aids.
  8. Bring BiPAP or CPAP machine.
  9. Bring personal toiletries, including lip balm.
  10. Bring a pen and note pad for writing notes and questions.
  11. The hospital provides free Wi-Fi, so you are welcome to bring a tablet or laptop.
  12. Bring reading material, playing cards or handheld games.
  13. Bring a list of phone numbers for family and friends.
  14. Bring a smile and a “ready to work” attitude.

*Anything brought into the hospital is your responsibility including your attitude.

Arriving the day of surgery

Your surgery will take place at Huntsville Hospital’s Orthopedic & Spine Tower, 200 Sivley Road, Huntsville, AL 35801. Please arrive at the time you were instructed by your surgeon’s office.

Have your loved one bring you to the patient drop-off area in front of the Orthopedic & Spine Tower. One of our staff members will greet you and escort you to the Registration area. Your loved one and any other family members can park in the attached Visitor Garage on Sivley Road. During your surgery, your loved ones are welcome to use the Surgery Waiting area on the 2nd floor of the tower. Immediately after surgery, you will be taken to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit for a short time. As soon as you are settled in your patient room, your loved ones may join you.